[103 美國直購 USAShop] Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5

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20140423cc_Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5

Product Details


Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 7.5 x 1.2 inches ; 3.7 ounces

Product Description

Key Features

Advanced Healing Brush — Make your images spotless with a single brush stroke. Adjust the size of the brush and move it in precise paths. Unwanted objects and flaws — even those with irregular shapes like threads — just disappear.

Upright — Straighten tilted images with a single click. The Upright tool analyzes images and detects skewed horizontal and vertical lines, even straightening shots where the horizon is hidden.

Radial Gradient — Emphasize important parts of your image with more flexibility and control. The Radial Gradient tool lets you create off-center vignette effects, or multiple vignetted areas within a single image.

Smart Previews — Easily work with images without bringing your entire library with you. Just generate smaller stand-in files called Smart Previews. Make adjustments or metadata additions to the Smart Previews and apply your changes to the full-size originals later.

Video slide shows — Easily share your work in elegant video slide shows. Combine still images, video clips, and music in creative HD videos that can be viewed on almost any computer or device.

Improved photo book creation — Create beautiful photo books from your images. Lightroom includes a variety of easy-to-use book templates, and now you can edit them to create a customized look. Upload your book for printing with just a few clicks.

Location-based organization — Find, group, and tag images by location, or plot a photo journey. Automatically display location data from GPS-enabled cameras and camera phones.

Fast cross-platform performance — Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process images faster with cross-platform 64-bit support for the latest Mac OS and Windows operating systems.

Tight Photoshop integration — Select one or multiple photos and automatically open them in Photoshop to perform detailed, pixel-level editing. See your results immediately back in Lightroom.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 software makes everything about digital photography easier and faster. Perfect your shots with powerfully simple adjustments and a full range of advanced controls. Easily find and organize all your photos. Quickly share your favorites on social networks, or showcase them in elegant photo books and web galleries

[103 美國直購 USAShop] Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5


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